Ms. Leslie Lowery-Estes
Administrative Specialist
School of Math and Sciences
Office: SC A11 Phone: 870-460-1016
Dr. Richard Abbott
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D. University of Florida
M.S. University of Florida
B.A. Berea College
Office: Herbarium 101 Phone 870-460-1165
Ms. Laura Barton
Instructor of Mathematics
M.S. Louisiana Tech University
MAT University of Louisiana-Monroe
B.S. University of Louisiana-Monroe
Office: SC B-14 Phone: 870-460-1516
Dr. J. Morris Bramlett
Professor of Chemistry
Director, Pomeroy Planetarium
Ph.D. University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
B.S. Arkansas Tech University
Office: SC C9 Phone: 870-460-1465
Dr. Ross Burrows
Associate Professor of Physics
Ph.D. University of California-Riverside
M.S. University of California-Riverside
B.S. San Jose State University
A.S. Canada College
Office: SC A21 Phone: 870-460-1567
Dr. Arturo Quintero Ferrer
Assistant Professor of Biology
Ph.D. University of Idaho
M.S University of Idaho
B.S. Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
Office: SC B12 Phone: 870-460-1767
Dr. Lynn Fox
Assistant Dean for Mathematics
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D. University of Arkansas at Little Rock
M.A.T. University of Arkansas at Monticello
B.S. University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: SC A-24 Phone: 870-460-1416
Dr. Jared Gavin
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D. Missouri University Science & Technology
M.S. Missouri University Science & Technology
B.S. University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: SC C-23 Phone: 870-460-1364
Mr. Alan Goodding
Instructor of Mathematics
MAT University of Arkansas at Monticello
B.S. University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: SC B16 Phone 870-460-1616
Ms. Susan Hatfield
Director of Chemistry Labs
Instructor of Chemistry
M.S. Texas A&M University
B.S. University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office SC C15 Phone: 870-4601764
Dr. Jinming “Jimmy” Huang
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D. Fudan University, China
M.S. East China University of Sci. and Tech., China
B.S. Soochow University, China
Office: SC C14 Phone: 870-460-1866
Dr. John Hunt
Assistant Dean of Science
Professor of Biology, Director of Pre-Med Studies
Ph.D. Auburn University
M.S. Auburn University
B.S. University of Arkansas-Little Rock
Office: SC B4 Phone: 870-460-1466
Ms. Lauren Morgan
Biology Laboratory Director
B.S. University of Arkansas at Monticello
Office: SC B15 Phone: 870-460-1816
M.S. Louisiana Tech University
Dr. Hassan Sayyar
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D. Kansas State University
M.S., M.A. Mississippi State University
B.S. University of Tehran, Iran
Office: SC A19 Phone: 870-460-1366
Ms. Kelley Sayyar
Instructor of Earth Science
M.S. Mississippi State
B.S. Kansas State University
Office: SC C10 Phone: 870-460-1365